Geniishir Subsector in the Deneb Sector

@SUB-SECTOR: sec_L   SECTOR: deneb
# Trade routes within the subsector
$2521 2520 0 -1
$2521 2323 -1 0
#PlanetName   Loc. UPP Code   B   Notes         Z  PBG Al LRX *
#----------   ---- ---------  - --------------- -  --- -- --- -
Geniishir     2521 A110123-D  N Lo Ni Cp           302 Dd
Maelstrom     2522 B79A855-D    C5 Wa RsG          702 Dd
Exotrope      2523 D300674-4  S Na Ni Va           401 Dd
Newpenton     2721 C495321-A    Lo Ni              703 Dd

N = Naval Base
D = Naval Depot
S = Scout Base
W = Scout Way Station
A = Navy & Scout Bases
C = Corsair Base

Dd = Domain of Deneb
V6 = Assemblage of 1116
Va = Vargr (independent)
Vf = Dzarrgh Federate
Vu = United Followers of Augurgh
Na = Non-aligned
Cs = Client State

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