Ashishinipar Subsector in the Corridor Sector

@SUB-SECTOR: sec_N   SECTOR: corridor
# Trade routes within the subsector
#PlanetName   Loc. UPP Code   B   Notes         Z  PBG Al LRX *
#----------   ---- ---------  - --------------- -  --- -- --- -
Ashishinipar  0931 B8949BA-9    Hi In              410 Na
Nadnamnarni   1033 B200211-9    Lo Ni Va           503 Na
Tristira      1140 C87A740-5    Wa                 713 Cs
Tarin Sink    1432 DAE3301-6    Lo Ni Fl Rs        635 Cs

N = Naval Base
D = Naval Depot
S = Scout Base
W = Scout Way Station
A = Navy & Scout Bases
B = Navy & Scout Way Station
C = Corsair Base
G = Naval Base
H = Naval & Corsair Bases
J = Naval Base
M = Military Base

St = Strephon's Worlds
Na = Non-aligned
Cs = Client State
Ca = Corsair Alliance
Rv = Restored Vilani Empire
Va = Vargr (independant)
Vf = Dzarrgh Federate
Vg = Glory of Taarskoerzn
Vh = Irrgh Manifest

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