Liyhiyea Subsector in the Khaeaw Sector

@SUB-SECTOR: sec_H   SECTOR: Khaeaw
# Trade routes within the subsector
#PlanetName   Loc. UPP Code   B   Notes         Z  PBG Al LRX *
#----------   ---- ---------  - --------------- -  --- -- --- -

N = Naval Base
S = Scout Base
A = Navy & Scout Bases
Z = Zhodani Base
Y = Zhodani Depot
X = Zhodani Relay
C = Vargr Corsair
G = Vargr Navy
H = Vargr Corsair & Navy

Im = Imperial
As = Aslan
Zh = Zhodani
So = Solomani
Zc = Zhodani Client
Dr = Droyne
Na = Non-aligned
Cs = Client State
Va = Vargr

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