WriteUps for planets in the Foreven Sector.

To help the participants of the 76 Patrons Contest with ideas, I have decided to list a number of writeups for planets in the Foreven Sector here. Most of these writeups are for the TNE era, but personally I hope your entries are written for the classic era. It is usually possible to extract some information about the planet in the classic era from these TNE writeups.

For more information about the Foreven Sector (and classic data) go here.

Urnian Subsector

Piah Subsector

Harem Subsector

Titan Subsector

Reidain Subsector (all writeups are on one page)

Xenough Subsector (all writeups are on one page)

Rull Subsector (all writeups are on one page)

Shivva Subsector (all writeups are on one page)

Fessor Subsector (all writeups are on two pages)

Mowbrey Subsector (all writeups are on one page)

Lassana Subsector (all writeups are on one page)

Foreven Sector

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